Monday, December 22, 2008

Gold Purchase Limit At Duty Free Shops At Dubai

We look forward in 2009 with new proposals and initiatives!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Red Spots On Tongue Sore Throat

the crisis pay the weakest

UNIM Onda expresses its solidarity with the hundreds of workers of establishments of Modena Maserati and New Holland, as well as workers in the Sassuolo ceramics industry, which are not renewed the contracts of employment.
The effect of the crisis is affecting more and more about common people and the civil service, with more substantial cuts in school and public health, while the banking giants get more public funds by the state.
This policy can not continue like this, the crisis can not only pay the lower-class population. In this situation, the rich are gaining weight more and more common as people struggle to get to the third week of the month, it's time to change.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cross A Fast Dog With A Bumblebee

UNIM Onda make public that, while sharing the views of the Athens Polytechnic on the day of action internally, not actively participate because lack of time to better organize the initiative. Communication is unfortunately only came late last night, to communities of the universities of Modena.

The colelttivo reiterates solidarity with the occupants of the Athens Polytechnic and the families of murdered children in recent years at the hands of law enforcement.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Funny Wedding Response Card Wording

official statement on December 20, International Day of Action!

Friday, December 12, "the general meeting of the Athens Polytechnic School of the workers," decided to launch an appeal to make a day of demonstrations across Europe and the world, for day Saturday, December 20, 2008 : an International Day in memory of all young people and migrants killed in remembrance of all those who fight against the lackeys of the state: Carlo Giuliani and young people of the "banlieus" in France, and many Alexandros Grigoropoulos others in every corner of the earth. Our lives do not belong to the states nor their assassins! The memory of nostre sorelle e fratelli, amici e compagni vive nelle nostre lotte! Per favore traducete e diffondete questo messaggio il più velocemente possibile per il coordinamento di una comune giornata di azioni di resistenza in più parti del mondo.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How To Get Tech Deck Live Account

Con questo comunicato il collettivo UNIM Onda informa che, per cause di forza maggiore , l'aperitivo di autofinanziamento previsto per domani, 17 Dicembre 2008, sarà RINVIATO a data da destinarsi.
La nuova data sarà presto resa nota sul sito.
Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente.
Il collettivo UNIM Onda

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Same Birthday And Year Compatability

Strike official press release on December 12, the wave will reach Bologna!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blueprint For Computer Desk

Meeting Minutes December 3, 2008

1) QUESTION Select Committee on budget under the CDA STUDENT ABOVE LEFT
Left student proposes the creation of a committee of institutional control over the budgets of the University within the CDA. This committee should analyze the actual effects of applying sull'ateneo 180 Modena. Being a Committee on Institutional collectives can not be represented directly, but Left Student undertakes to keep the team informed of what was discussed in committee.
UNIMONDO supports this project.
It raised the issue of non-public nature of the CDA.
Since the budget is not public until after its approval, but yes, it is proposed to establish a committee bringing together representatives of all the group to analyze the budgets of the last academic year and make an evaluation of the policy of the university.

Monday, December 15 at the lunch break (13-15) will be an information point within the campus where we will try to involve students distributing leaflets and information.
will be sent via e-mail a document prepared by the group content that we have to study to be flawless!
We need to create: • A banner
: need a white sheet and acrylic
• A poster (laminated paper) and / or a bulletin from an egg
• x • Sheet
offers to collect signatures in support of UNIMONDO

3) CREATIVE GROUP: Bonfa, Claudio, Matthew, Luisa. The creative team will make to the material that will serve the 15

feel the need of a place on campus where you can leave the material used x's ex infopoint future initiatives. Ilaria inform you if there is a chance of getting

5) X SHOW The general strike of 12
Luisa, on behalf of UNIMONDO, goes Thursday 4 in the organization of the CGIL, 12.

6) self-reform PROJECT
Julia and Matthew, delegates from UNIMONDO, are Thursday 4 to Letters to meet others and discuss collective dell'autoriforma College.

has expressed willingness to coordinate with other groups for greater participation in these events. Will be held in March. We must begin to organize now!
Before March we organize activities that take the high attention of the citizens and students on the University.

Confirmed BSI to 17 hours.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Boxing And Arthritis?

Crops and united in grief ... The forum

were many bereaved people who came together last Friday at 18, despite the cold and snow, in Piazzale S. Eufemia to honor the memory of two sisters who died prematurely University and Public School.

Because of amputations carried out by nefarious laws Tremonti / Gelmini the merciless scythe fell on the two sisters. The long and anguished cries have broken the heart of Modena, while those present followed the coffin, mourning the two lives tragically broken by death.

May they rest in peace.