Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Daeth Watch By Robb White

Man at work

"I've decided!" thought the young naive boy "customize my blog to make it visually pleasing to the thousands and thousands of my fans!" As he pronounced the words "thousands and thousands," he heard a noise in the background, like a big raspberry.
"I will give harmony and color to my page!" and threw himself with enthusiasm in new and exciting adventure.

Our hero, however, had not reckoned with the harsh law of HTML.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Glory Hole Locations Sacramento 2010

L' e-nternauta - altre tavole

Come on, you broody other two tables (the 3 and 4).

PS: for those who guess I was inspired by the three guys of the forum .... no wins, but it is an idol.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cramping And Egg White Cervical Mucus

L' e-nternauta

Meet the E-nterni (read i-surfer ... only that which has the "e" meaning "electronic" as the e- mail .... bah never mind), a story about insanity rampant in the new issue of network output Katlang! - Avatar presented a couple of weeks ago at Comicon in Naples (in these days we are at Fullcomics Piacenza).
These are two of the eight total boards, boards that have kept me a little more than I thought on the desktop ... this explains my absence prolungatissima last month!