Friday, December 24, 2010

Wagle Ki Duniya Online

again this year siamo arrivati a Natale: in questo ultimo periodo putroppo il tempo da dedicare al blog è davvero ridotto e con dispiacere non sono riuscito a scrivere dei post su alcuni film che ho visto e che meritavano davvero.

Non mi è mai piaciuto scrivere un post in fretta e furia e per questo ho preferito evitare di pubblicare post solo per fare numero. Questo blog è nato come spazio in cui coltivare una passione che mi accompagna da anni, la settima arte appunto, e lo porto avanti con passione, non come un dovere, ma come un piacere nel condividere con gli altri aneddoti e informazioni sul mondo del cinema.

Pertanto spero che mi si perdoni se ultimamente il numero di post è diminuito o se anche come lettore ho diminuito i commenti nei blog that I will continue to follow.

After this "relief", we spend Christmas: I wish all readers a happy Christmas to spend in the company of loved ones, perhaps without ever forgetting the true meaning of this feast which is now reduced to a hysterical race to the gifts.

Among the films that are now considered classics of Christmas, this year an excerpt from SOS Ghosts (original title Sgrooged ), loosely inspired by the Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol .


Monday, December 13, 2010

Mount & Blade 1.011

Boris Jr. - aperitivo femminile

According glimpse of Boris Jr, or Debbie, Tiffany and the beautiful Melany, I dream of love of our Boris (and at least half the school).

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Dog Dragging His Legs On The Floor

Apericena a Loro Ciuffenna (AR)!!!

Tomorrow night at all for a drink + Ciuffenna They meet the authors of "Dreams"!
The undersigned will attend as an author, but above all without restraint ginning of drinks!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn

Boris Jr. - aperitivo

Ecco un piccolissimo assaggio di quel che sta bollendo nella pentola del Grillotti già da un po' di tempo...loro sono Boris Jr. Fulmine e Reginald, ingredienti principali di una portatona ideata da Andrea Nucci.
Con la preparazione del piatto siamo a buon punto, gli elementi ci son tutti e presto ne mostrerò altri, manca solo la composizione e la presentazione finale!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Different Types Of Labia

And 'Mario Monicelli dead

E' di pochi minuti fa, la notizia che Mario Monicelli, 95 anni, si è suicidato gettandosi dal quinto piano del reparto di urologia dell'ospedale San Giovanni di Roma, dove era ricoverato per una grave malattia.

Mario Monicelli non ha bisogno di presentazioni e scrivere di lui in un post sarebbe davvero riduttivo: ai lettori che desiderano approfondire l'importanza del regista toscano per il cinema italiano, consiglio di leggere in rete le pagine a lui dedicate.

Personalmente ho avuto l'onore di incontrare Mario Monicelli in una rassegna cinematografica qualche anno fa: ricordo l'emozione che provai nel trovarmi in front of one of the most significant of the Italian cinema and beyond, remember his amazement at seeing a young boy interested in shaking his hand and congratulate him for his extraordinary work.

He told me that he liked the fact that a young man he knew who he was, never mind.

Those few minutes, have left the image in my mind, indelibly, a director at that time already more than eighty years old, available to the public and extraordinarily humble.

Italian cinema not only lost a great director, I like to remember him this way, through some of his masterpieces:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Web Cam Isnt Working On Oovoo

Happy Birthday Carlo Verdone

Carlo Verdone Today at 60: celebrating them on the set of Manual of Love 3 starring a scene with Robert De Niro.

Verdone admitted that he realized a dream in playing next to De Niro, adding that, as a birthday gift, would like to have Meryl Streep in a film directed by himself.

who follows this blog will understand the esteem in relation Roman actor so it is with great joy that I wish Verdone to spend a great birthday and maybe even realize this dream.

Following is the special Rai Uno has mostly to Verdone and his characters.


The official website of Carlo Verdone

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oxygenating Toothpaste And Mouthwash


Prima di partire per Londra voglio sponsorizzare questa serie di appuntamenti, organizzata da Francesco, Sara e Giulio di Katlang .
Kina! è una serie di appuntamenti with famous cartoonists taking place in many libraries in the province of Arezzo, began in October and ends in January.
a look at the program, there are meetings with Giuseppe Palumbo, Matteo Casali, Marco Bianchi, Luca Boschi, just to name a few, more workshops, performances and shows.
So, if you live in the province of Arezzo (but even if there were more) is worth a visit in the various locations where there are these events in the coming weekend.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blueprint For A Small Scale Wave Machine

A Lucca!

Lucca? It
Lucca ... you know?
Comics, rivers of people, cosplay shit, worse weather, self area, aperitifs with a wine and sausage stand Micelli's and Paoloni, networked performance, children assholes you order drawings, manga, umbrellas, holes in the tent, Flood, soft socks, jaw dropping exhibition of the Frezza, comic cover, new ideas are born in the wrong accounts pizza, stew of Bonatti, the product of the stew of Bonatti, fatigue, human cases, the breakfasts Taddeucci, slander roll, Enrico "dormodatutteleparti" Bertelli ... Lucca!

PS: This would cover an idea for something that we at Katlang we were going to do, a way to "complain" of the confined spaces that have been imposed this year ... actually the end of the day we were good all the same, so that this design was not done nothing.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Linsey Mckenzie Doctor

Lucca Comics 2010

Ladies and gentlemen.
Again Katlang! will be there to Lucca, Self Area, to occupy your space and breathe your air.
If you no longer wish to bear it all go into the Hall of Piazza Napoleone Passaglia and buy all products Katlang! so those of idlers katlanghi, once the goods are exhausted, can not help but raise the curtains!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kates Playground Beeg

the last 25 years

We have today is the day BTTF, Back to the Future . Just for today in many Italian films will be possible to revise the first chapter of the incredible saga directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

Who wants to get an idea of \u200b\u200bcinema which will transmit the film, I recommend taking a look HERE .

For the occasion, last October 25 came from the legendary Milan De Lorean in electric version, which tomorrow is expected to reach Rome, after having made stops in several Italian towns, where he will attend the Rome Film Festival.

This tour starts by Wired Italy, Enel edeCars-Now, who converted the De Lorean in an electric car, to show how, even now, it is possible travel on the car of the future.

Here is the movie version of the De Lorean supply:

the surprises do not end there: the audience that tonight will see the movies Back to the Future will have a free voucher for € 5 to buy the box set on Blu Ray IBS.

I just have to Have a safe journey .... into the future.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vietnamese Movies 2010 Free


Today we celebrate.
It celebrates an exact year of death of this blog, and also celebrates the desire to take it again in your hand That is in me back. Actually I wanted to take back some weeks ago, but I was close a year of inactivity bloggherosa round one, how could I deny myself this great achievement?
Well, now I promise to keep cooking 'I'm fish soup, let it cool for as little as possible, designs that I've never posted there so that n'ho all right ... cheers!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Had Tooth Pulled Now Gums Are White

Back to the Future Back to the Future: Back to the Future Soundtrack 2

second meeting with the soundtrack of Back to the Future: the song of today is Earth Angel, the famous '50s song that Marty played at the school dance "Enchantment under the sea "to allow his father to be able to kiss the mother.

really romantic, do not you?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Answers To The Ultimate Element Crossword

: Soundtrack

Here's the main track taken from the soundtrack of the first chapter of Back to the Future: Original Soundtrack

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jessica And First Time Audition

Clock Back to the Future

For all fans of Back to the Future, Today as a gift a gadget to add to its blog: one of the many clocks that you can see in the office of Doc at the beginning of the film , Felix the Cat clock.

to insert it into your blog simply copy the code below and paste it onto an html page.

On the right you have an example of the result.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sandee Westgate Hardcore

Dictionary Movie Blooper (errors on the set)

It 's the time for a new book: The Dictionary of Cinema , a way differently to better understand the world of cinema through its technical language.

The first term we will examine is blooper (Bloopers in the plural): a blooper is nothing but a mistake in this movie, missed in post-production.

happens for example, that, notwithstanding all the attention from the director and officer of the assembly, the movies you see gross errors, such as an airplane in the sky in the background in a shot of Troy (okay Trojan horse, but even a plane ...)

In English the term blooper not only indicates the failure of post-production, but also the error occurred on the set was subsequently excluded from the assembly. Who has seen such a film of Jackie Chan may have noticed that usually during the end credits, you send all the errors that occurred during filming. It 's a very nice way, in my view, to show the public what happens during the filming of a movie.

Since we are in full countdown for the release of Back to the Future to the movies and bluray, here are some examples of bloopers (in the English sense of the word) for the legendary film Zemeckis, in particular some errors of the second chapter of the saga.

What think of this new column? Have your say.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Varicose Veins On Labia During Pregnancy

Michael J. Fox Unveils New

In 1985, Michael J. Fox showed the trailer for Back to the Future this:

Trailer Original 1985

This year, the 25th anniversary of the first film of the saga, here again assume the role of Marty McFly and give the many fans around the world, an unforgettable minutes.

Trailer 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzle

Back to the Future Back to the Future: the trailer for the bluray

Yesterday I spoke output of the casket of Back to the Future trilogy version bluray.

Today we see the trailer released for the release of the box, no doubt an incredible quality.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Community Service Templete

Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary

There are 10 days for the big event: October 27 Back to the Future will turn 25 years old and are provided the opportunity for great events The most important output of the entire trilogy in blu ray box set, and the output of the first film in cinemas, in a remastered version.

But first things first. The box will be full of extras, including no less than 16 deleted scenes ed un documentario con interviste esclusive a Micheal J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd e Steven Spielberg. Sarà possibile acquistare ben due versioni di cofanetti, quella standard e quella Deluxe De Lorean Edition che oltre a dischi in blu ray conterrà, il booklet con ben 24 pagine ed il Modellino della De Lorean.

Per una visione completa dei contenuti extra potete leggere QUI.

Come anticipato, il 27 Ottobre (e soltanto il 27 Ottobre) sarà possibile rivedere il primo capitolo della saga anche al cinema. Da un paio di giorni è possibile consultare la lista dei cinema che trasmetteranno il film su e su Le sorprese non finiscono qui: chi acquisterà il biglietto del cinema, riceverà un buono sconto di 5 euro per acquistare la Trilogia in Blu-ray su IBS.

Inutile dire che Ritorno al futuro è una trilogia a cui sono molto legato (non saprei dire quante volte ho visto tutti e tre i film, anche uno dopo l'altro) e quindi ho deciso che per festeggiare il 25° anniversario del primo film, cercherò di pubblicare un post al giorno dedicato alla trilogia, cercando così di ingannare l'attesa con qualche ripasso.

Quanti di voi andranno a vedere il film al cinema? Quanti compreranno il cofanetto?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Increasing The Oxygen Content Of Water

Hello Angelo Infanti, for all Manuel Fantoni.

E' morto ieri nell'ospedale di Tivoli, all'età di 71 anni, Angelo Infanti.
Nell'immaginario di tutti resterà sempre Manuel Fantoni, il più grande bugiardo creato dalla mente di Carlo Verdone, nonostante una carriera cinematografica che lo ha visto interpretare diversi ruoli, dal western al poliziesco, dalle commedie anni '80 ai thriller, senza dimenticare la sua partecipazione nel film Il Padrino .

Il comune di Zagarolo, dove era nato, ha già annunciato che gli renderà omaggio con una rassegna di film da lui interpretati.

Non possiamo che ricordarlo con la sua interpretazione più famosa.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American Home Brand Washing Machines

happened today: The Jazz Singer, the film that changed cinema

Il 06 Ottobre del 1927, 83 anni fa esatti, usciva nelle sale americane il film che cambiò radicalmente il mondo del cinema, segnando così la nascita del cinema sonoro sincronizzato: Il cantante di Jazz (The Jazz singer) .
Diretto da Alan Crosland, il film in realtà non è interamente sonoro: se si escludono infatti i 9 brani interamente musicati e cantati, le parti con dialoghi si riassumono in poco più di un minuto. Nonostante ciò il film venne sin da subito considerato il punto di svolta per un nuovo cinema, riscuotendo un enorme successo di pubblico, quest'ultimo attratto enormemente dalla novità.

Il cantante Jazz was nominated for an Oscar for best adaptation, while Warner Bros. by the Academy received a special award "for having produced the pioneering and exceptional first sound film, which has revolutionized the film industry" (source Wikipedia) .

In the film there are many stereotypes, one out of all the idea of \u200b\u200bblacks seen as funny characters, only capable of performing in hilarious gags. Just the star Al Jolson, he performed on stage with her face overly made-up black and her lips painted white (figure taken in a well-known candy spot of the '80s, you remember?)

Here is a statement Film:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bun B Raps In Spanish

"The first nice thing" to represent Italy in the race for Oscar nominations

La prima cosa bella , di Paolo Virzì è il film designato dall'Italia per rappresentare il nostro paese nella corsa alla nomination come miglior film straniero.

Virzì ha battuto la concorrenza di altri 9 film italiani: L'uomo che verrà, La nostra vita, La doppia ora, Io sono l'amore, Baciami ancora, Mine vaganti, Basilicata coast to coast, Le quattro volte e 20 sigarette.

Il film sarà successivamente visionato da una giuria dell' Academy che valuterà i film provenienti dagli altri paesi, per decidere infine, il 25 Gennaio, quali are the 5 films that will compete for the coveted statuette.

Meanwhile, the film will be released in U.S. theaters and contributes to the next Golden Globe, has always been the prelude of the Oscars.

Good luck to Virzi, good luck to Italy

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cam I Take Relpax And Excederin

cinema mourns: four deaths in two days Welcome to South

Two days of mourning in the world of Italian cinema and American news yesterday of the death of Vincenzo Crocitti, actor Roman was 61 years old.

He made his debut in the best possible way, along with Alberto Sordi, in an exceptional film, A Very Little , continuing her film career with more than 51 movies assets and recently a number of interpretations for the TV, the best known ones for the series Carabinieri and A doctor in the family.

Also yesterday announced the death of Sally Menke, a name that might not mean much to the Italian public, but to which his work has given lot, takes care of editing the films of Quentin Tarantino, who was very close. The Menke, 56, appears to have died while carrying his dog for a walk, following an illness due to the excessive heat of Beverly Hills.

But today the news of the disappearance of two other great figures of American cinema: Arthur Penn (88 years) and Tony Curtis (85 years).

Arthur Penn, director of success, has died of heart failure. Among his works, some memorable films as The Hunt (with Marlon Brando and Robert Redford), The Miracle Worker (with Anne Bancroft), Little Big Man (with Dustin Hoffman), Gangster Story (with Betty Warren and Faye Dunaway) and Missouri (with Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson).

Just a few hours ago, was the announcement of the death of Tony Curtis, which occurred at his home in Nevada.
Born in New York on June 3, 1925, Bernard Schwartz (this his real name) was the son of Hungarian immigrants. Interpreter of over 140 films in 1959 received a nomination for Oscars for her performance in the film The Defiant Ones, starring Sidney Poitier.

Unforgettable her performance in Some Like It Hot, a comedy by Billie Wilder, starred opposite Marilyn Monroe (with which last year revealed that he had had an affair) and Jack Lemmon. In his long career he has alternated roles in all genres, comedy, thriller, drama, history, playing movies like Houdini, Spartacus , Operation Petticoat, The Boston Strangler and many others.

In the '70s, along with Roger Moore, gave birth to the hit TV series, The Persuaders .

Father of Jamie Lee Curtis, for whom, by his own admission, has never been the ideal father, he was married 6 times. His last marriage, Jill Vandenbergh younger than him by 42 years, that was next to the last.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thanks For The Interview Email Subject

E 'out on October 1 the new film by Claudio Bisio, Welcome to the South.

The film, directed by Luca Minieri, the cast includes Alessandro Siani, Valentina Lodovini and Angela Finocchiaro, which give birth to a nice story about our beautiful country and prejudice that characterize the inhabitants of North and South
The plot:

Alberto (Bisio) is responsible for a post office just to have himself transferred Brianza Milan, and so satisfy his wife Silvia (Finocchiaro) decides to pose as invalid. But it was soon discovered and as punishment is delivered in a small town in Campania.
Alberto believes that moving to a land inhabited by criminals and slackers: ricrederà you soon, thanks to the loving person he meets on his journey, one out of all his new friend Matt (Siani), which will help him win beautiful Maria (Lodovini).

For the presentation of film production has realized for the first time in the launch of an Italian film, an online game already live on Facebook, I invite you to visit: just click on the images below, the one with Bisio If you choose the one with the North or the South Siani if \u200b\u200byou choose (there is a sin not to select the whole of Italy, these days would really strengthen their union).


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Desperate Housewives Rerun

CineNews: Sasha Baron Cohen will

After years of long dissertations about who could play Freddie Mercury on the big screen (he had spoken at length about Johnny Depp), was finally announced the name of the actor ready for the big business: it will be Sasha Baron Cohen, the star of Borat and Bruno, to assume the role of the late leader of the Queen.

British actor, famous for roles cheeky to say the least, it has to face the most difficult test of his career: the role is very demanding and will not be easy match for one of the greatest stage presence to the world without thinking of the millions of fans of Freddie not ready to forgive Cohen if his interpretation is irreverent imitation.

When the film is still without a script, but we know it will be headed by Peter Morgan, author of The Queen and The Last King of Scotland . According to the first rumors about the plot vertirà most magnificent of the English band, which culminated with a concert at Wembley in 1985: it would seem that Brian May and Roger Taylor (guitarist and drummer of Queen) personally participated in the project, overseeing the supervision of the party Music, which will include tracks from the band and solo tracks by Mercury.

no indiscretion on the other hand, can a director, see what happens ....

What do you think, is going to make the interpreter Borat to support the weight of a figure so beloved as that of Freddie Mercury?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Foul Taste In Mouth After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Mercenaries Freddie Mercury - The Expendables

Start now with the excuse to take the long break since last post (although good bloggers say they do not have to do it ...): Unfortunately, last time I can devote the blog is really little and I'm so sorry, especially in this case, after having talked about the movie Stallone for months, whereas several days have passed already since I saw the movie.

After much talk of The Expendables (Mercenaries, the Italian title, does not perfectly) I Started in contrast with the expectations raised in previous posts and be a bit 'challenging, so I tell you that if you expect to see a movie from the storyline, this is not the film for you. If you are looking interpretations leave you breathless, this is not the film for you.
If, however, look for adrenaline, action, testosterone, muscle, exploded
oni, and some funny lines, then go see this movie and will not be disappointed.

Stallone is not the best, either as actor or as a director, nor as a writer, but in 64 years has always played him the undisputed hero of more than a generation.

Physical tiratissimo, the envy of a greek God, Stallone has managed to combine an incredible cast.
The heroes of action movies of the past 20 years, almost all together in one movie: Sylvester Stallone, Mickey Rourke, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts to Jason Statham, Steve Austin and Randy Couture, not to mention a small cameo by Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger (the two appear in one scene a couple of minutes, along with Sly, that scene alone is worth the ticket price).

The plot is very simple, a bit 'obvious, no unexpected twists: The Expendables in the film are experts mercenaries, specialized in very high risk missions, led by Barney Ross (Stallone). When not working, the gang finds himself Tool (Rourke), a retired mercenary, now an expert tattoo artist and the link between mercenaries and other principals of the missions. Right Tool for the team's mission is: to kill the dictator of an island in the Gulf of Mexico, the mission that the mercenaries accepted, giving the viewer explosions, shootings and fights with all his might.

It 's amazing how the majority of aged actors in this film is still spectacular to see them all together in a mix of action and funny lines.

Two known negative (beyond the aesthetic aspects of film): the fight scenes are taken too quickly, something that confuses the viewer, who can not fully enjoy (especially when the fight is Jet Li, a true master of gender), and the Italian voice choice for dubbing the same Jet Li, concerned by the very talented Mino Caprio, whose voice, however, poorly suited to the actor, and above all too easily evokes Peter Griffin, distracting the viewer.
