Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn

Boris Jr. - aperitivo

Ecco un piccolissimo assaggio di quel che sta bollendo nella pentola del Grillotti già da un po' di tempo...loro sono Boris Jr. Fulmine e Reginald, ingredienti principali di una portatona ideata da Andrea Nucci.
Con la preparazione del piatto siamo a buon punto, gli elementi ci son tutti e presto ne mostrerò altri, manca solo la composizione e la presentazione finale!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Different Types Of Labia

And 'Mario Monicelli dead

E' di pochi minuti fa, la notizia che Mario Monicelli, 95 anni, si è suicidato gettandosi dal quinto piano del reparto di urologia dell'ospedale San Giovanni di Roma, dove era ricoverato per una grave malattia.

Mario Monicelli non ha bisogno di presentazioni e scrivere di lui in un post sarebbe davvero riduttivo: ai lettori che desiderano approfondire l'importanza del regista toscano per il cinema italiano, consiglio di leggere in rete le pagine a lui dedicate.

Personalmente ho avuto l'onore di incontrare Mario Monicelli in una rassegna cinematografica qualche anno fa: ricordo l'emozione che provai nel trovarmi in front of one of the most significant of the Italian cinema and beyond, remember his amazement at seeing a young boy interested in shaking his hand and congratulate him for his extraordinary work.

He told me that he liked the fact that a young man he knew who he was, never mind.

Those few minutes, have left the image in my mind, indelibly, a director at that time already more than eighty years old, available to the public and extraordinarily humble.

Italian cinema not only lost a great director, I like to remember him this way, through some of his masterpieces:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Web Cam Isnt Working On Oovoo

Happy Birthday Carlo Verdone

Carlo Verdone Today at 60: celebrating them on the set of Manual of Love 3 starring a scene with Robert De Niro.

Verdone admitted that he realized a dream in playing next to De Niro, adding that, as a birthday gift, would like to have Meryl Streep in a film directed by himself.

who follows this blog will understand the esteem in relation Roman actor so it is with great joy that I wish Verdone to spend a great birthday and maybe even realize this dream.

Following is the special Rai Uno has mostly to Verdone and his characters.


The official website of Carlo Verdone

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oxygenating Toothpaste And Mouthwash


Prima di partire per Londra voglio sponsorizzare questa serie di appuntamenti, organizzata da Francesco, Sara e Giulio di Katlang .
Kina! è una serie di appuntamenti with famous cartoonists taking place in many libraries in the province of Arezzo, began in October and ends in January.
a look at the program, there are meetings with Giuseppe Palumbo, Matteo Casali, Marco Bianchi, Luca Boschi, just to name a few, more workshops, performances and shows.
So, if you live in the province of Arezzo (but even if there were more) is worth a visit in the various locations where there are these events in the coming weekend.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blueprint For A Small Scale Wave Machine

A Lucca!

Lucca? It
Lucca ... you know?
Comics, rivers of people, cosplay shit, worse weather, self area, aperitifs with a wine and sausage stand Micelli's and Paoloni, networked performance, children assholes you order drawings, manga, umbrellas, holes in the tent, Flood, soft socks, jaw dropping exhibition of the Frezza, comic cover, new ideas are born in the wrong accounts pizza, stew of Bonatti, the product of the stew of Bonatti, fatigue, human cases, the breakfasts Taddeucci, slander roll, Enrico "dormodatutteleparti" Bertelli ... Lucca!

PS: This would cover an idea for something that we at Katlang we were going to do, a way to "complain" of the confined spaces that have been imposed this year ... actually the end of the day we were good all the same, so that this design was not done nothing.