Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do Extensions Damage Your Hair

SUBIACO - Inauguration of the headstones in honor of Emilio Blenio and Giuditta Tavani Arquati

Saranno inaugurate dal Comune di Subiaco giovedì 17 marzo alle ore 11 in piazza Emilio Blenio le lapidi in onore del conte Emilio Blenio e di Giuditta Tavani Arquati, due figure importanti del Risorgimento italiano strettamente collegate con la storia sublacense.
Giuditta Tavani Arcuati, originaria di Filettino, era assai legata a Subiaco, e morì uccisa dagli Zuavi all’interno del lanificio Ajani , dove lavorava, in Via della Lungaretta a Trastevere. Venne uccisa in un tragico 25 ottobre 1867 insieme al marito Francesco, al figlioletto Antonio di 11 anni e alla creatura che portava in grembo. Solo la figlia di 2 anni quel giorno si salverà; era stata nascosta dalla madre nel cesto della biancheria. Il conte Emilio Blenio invece, fu un capitano garibaldino morto a Subiaco in uno scontro a fuoco con gli Zuavi pontifici sempre nell’ottobre dei 1867. L'iniziativa nasce da una richiesta che l’Università Popolare fece al Comune di Subiaco, ossia l’autorizzazione all’apposizione di due targhe ricordo, una in Vicolo Arquati, per ricordare Giuditta, e una in Piazza Emilio Blenio , per ricordare il capitano garibaldino morto in quella piazza insieme a due commilitoni e sepolto proprio nel cimitero di Subiaco. Ci auguriamo quindi, proprio per permettere la riscoperta di majority of these stories Subiaco, that these two plates can be affixed to the soon as possible.

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SUBIACO - Part the referendum committees "2 YES 'for the Common Good Water"

Father Zanotelli during his meeting with the schools in Subiaco urged you to come to our city also created a committee that supported the campaign to promote access to public appeal has not fallen on deaf ears, and was picked up by Amati, former head of the Coordination for the collection of signatures for the referendum last year, and Chairman of the Aniene. This opens the possibility of Subiaco also have a point of reference where to find material and information so that he could bear the important event referendum preparations. In that respect, it was also created a website dedicated just to the inhabitants of the Valley dell'Aniene, available on the web: www.2siperlacquavalledellaniene.it
The Committee is already reaping many members, and will join all citizens, associations and political forces in their program will insert the ripubblicizzazione management of water resources.
Next stop the big demonstration in support of the referendum in Rome on March 26.

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SUBIACO - Edward Leonardi Cattolica is "three" in the regional championships in Alpine skiing FIS / CLS

were concluded on March 11 in Campo Felice (AQ) regional Alpine Ski Championships FIS-CLS Csquare trophy, having reached the goal of the XXXI edition. Scheduled SuperG men and women - the categories "Students" and "Boys" (the trial was held on the track, "Sagittarius" - Andrea Truddaiu plotter). 1900 meters above sea level departure / arrival altitude 1,600 meters (altitude 300 meters). Absolute ruler of this test was Edward Leonardi Cattolica, flag-athlete of the ski club Livata Students in category (winner of the tests and giant slalom). The hotel also boasts the title of Subiaco boys (female) with Valeria Morvillo. In the category of young male victory for Leonardo Motameni Campocatino. In the female students is set for the ski club Francesca Moscone Terminillo.In race 58 athletes representing 10 ski clubs (Sci Lioness Club, Ski Club Livata, Ski club Terminillo Campocatino, Monti Ernici, 0.40 Ski Club, Ski Club Naples, Naples SAI, Step 3 Ski, Ski club Cicala White). The sporting event of Abruzzo, which is valid for FISI-CLS, was organized by the Ski Club Orsello (director Andrea Ruggeri / BMS Rome). "In three days of racing, which ended in Campo Felice, we recorded a total of more of 400 athletes, "said Andrea Ruggeri, Director of the event runs. "There Growth was expressed in the technical level of competition by athletes from Lazio and this comforts us the opportunity to see over the next few years, some of them firmly in the national selections. Thank you for the support, the town of Rocca di Cambio, the Campo Felice SpA, the experts, the staff of the Ski Club Orsello sponsors (from Csquare, nda) and President Nicolas Tropea (FISI-CLS) for believing in this, that was not only sports, but also the economic impact on the region. "

Monday, March 14, 2011

Eyebrow Threading Calgary

Fiuggi - Fiuggi water: damage to the municipality for 16 ml, seven reported

For non-payment of royalties for mining
Danno erariale di circa sedici milioni di euro causato al Comune di Fiuggi nell'ambito della gestione dell'acqua di Fiuggi. Lo ha accertato la guardia di finanza del comando provinciale di Frosinone e della tenenza di Fiuggi al termine di un'indagine delegata dalla Corte dei Conti. Sette persone sono state denunciate. Dalle indagini e' emerso un 'notevole' danno erariale alle casse del Comune di Fiuggi per mancati introiti del canone di sfruttamento minerario non pagato da Acqua & Terme Fiuggi.(ANSA).