Thursday, November 13, 2008

Damiana Tea Vs Smoking

During the meeting various issues were discussed technical and organizational, in addition to reading a first draft of the future status of the Collective.

Internal Organization of the Collective. It
and 'discussed the creation of organizational groups, each with specific tasks and objectives and defined.

Group Communication Components: Dondi - Gilioli – Noto – Villa
Obiettivo: mantenere i contatti con la stampa, con gli organi dell’Universita’ che stanno all’esterno del Collettivo, quali professori, ricercatori, organi universitari di vario genere, le altre Facolta’ e Collettivi; stillare verbali delle assemblee; creazione dei volantini.
Gruppo Tecnico
Componenti: Aravecchia – Bonfante – Esposito – Grandi – Messori
Obietivo: gestione di tutto il comparto tecnico come: blog, forum, Collettivo su facebook, comunicazione interna al Collettivo e simili.
Gruppo Proposte/Contenuti
Componenti: Amato – Bottazzi – Caiazzo – Noto – Ravazzini – Tsefilis - Villa
Objective: reading, understanding, and to the collective diffusion of new laws and decrees enacted law on the Universities 'and related issues, research, and dissemination of reading articles about the same issues mentioned above, formulation of proposals for activities' of the Collective as the lessons on the streets or forms of expression / public information.

These three groups have their own mailing list through which they communicate and organize themselves. Anyone can 'reach the members of the groups by mail personal, because it will provide' to expand the list of participants in the Collective and the inside of the mailing list. Above all these
bodies has the Assembly, organizational and decision-sovereign body. This committee will meet 'once a week at a date and place determined from time to time. Anyone who wants to attend the meeting will be 'very welcome and will have' right to vote in that particular session.

Organization of the Constituent Assembly on Thursday 'November 13, 2008.
have been decided the Agenda and the figure of Moderator (Francesca Villa). During the Constituent Assembly will be:
- Avarecchia Manuel, a spokeswoman for UNIMONDO
- The Representative of the students in the Academic Senate
- Professors and researchers from various including: Pinti, Pazzi, Pasquali
Sara’ possibile intavolare un dibattito sulle questioni trattate; inoltre verra’ introdotto e presentato il Collettivo UNIMonda e coloro che ne fanno parte.

Infine al termine dell’Assemblea i presenti hanno preso visione della bozza di Statuto, votandone gli articoli ed apportando modifiche.
Inoltre UNIMonda vota:
1. UNIMonda aderisce formalmente alla manifestazione di Roma, a nome di UNIMonda stessa e dell’Ateneo di Modena e Reggio, in collaborazione con gli altri Collettivi.
2. Si attiva autonomamente per attivita’ al campus: volantinaggio, affissione striscione. Indipendentemente in quanto rifiuta attivita’ che presentino bandiere partitiche in quanto Collettivo non-partisan.
3. Manifesta of solidarity 'on the various means of communication available on the issue of Professor D'Addato

The Assembly will meet' again Tuesday 'at 18.00/18.30 18/11 X-RUM, the session will 'open to all those who wish rendesi and active participants in the construction of the collective on campus, but also to all those who want to seclude help in organizing various events and activities'.

David Bonfante


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