Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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SUBIACO - Inauguration of the headstones in honor of Emilio Blenio and Giuditta Tavani Arquati

Saranno inaugurate dal Comune di Subiaco giovedì 17 marzo alle ore 11 in piazza Emilio Blenio le lapidi in onore del conte Emilio Blenio e di Giuditta Tavani Arquati, due figure importanti del Risorgimento italiano strettamente collegate con la storia sublacense.
Giuditta Tavani Arcuati, originaria di Filettino, era assai legata a Subiaco, e morì uccisa dagli Zuavi all’interno del lanificio Ajani , dove lavorava, in Via della Lungaretta a Trastevere. Venne uccisa in un tragico 25 ottobre 1867 insieme al marito Francesco, al figlioletto Antonio di 11 anni e alla creatura che portava in grembo. Solo la figlia di 2 anni quel giorno si salverà; era stata nascosta dalla madre nel cesto della biancheria. Il conte Emilio Blenio invece, fu un capitano garibaldino morto a Subiaco in uno scontro a fuoco con gli Zuavi pontifici sempre nell’ottobre dei 1867. L'iniziativa nasce da una richiesta che l’Università Popolare fece al Comune di Subiaco, ossia l’autorizzazione all’apposizione di due targhe ricordo, una in Vicolo Arquati, per ricordare Giuditta, e una in Piazza Emilio Blenio , per ricordare il capitano garibaldino morto in quella piazza insieme a due commilitoni e sepolto proprio nel cimitero di Subiaco. Ci auguriamo quindi, proprio per permettere la riscoperta di majority of these stories Subiaco, that these two plates can be affixed to the soon as possible.

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SUBIACO - Part the referendum committees "2 YES 'for the Common Good Water"

Father Zanotelli during his meeting with the schools in Subiaco urged you to come to our city also created a committee that supported the campaign to promote access to public appeal has not fallen on deaf ears, and was picked up by Amati, former head of the Coordination for the collection of signatures for the referendum last year, and Chairman of the Aniene. This opens the possibility of Subiaco also have a point of reference where to find material and information so that he could bear the important event referendum preparations. In that respect, it was also created a website dedicated just to the inhabitants of the Valley dell'Aniene, available on the web: www.2siperlacquavalledellaniene.it
The Committee is already reaping many members, and will join all citizens, associations and political forces in their program will insert the ripubblicizzazione management of water resources.
Next stop the big demonstration in support of the referendum in Rome on March 26.

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SUBIACO - Edward Leonardi Cattolica is "three" in the regional championships in Alpine skiing FIS / CLS

were concluded on March 11 in Campo Felice (AQ) regional Alpine Ski Championships FIS-CLS Csquare trophy, having reached the goal of the XXXI edition. Scheduled SuperG men and women - the categories "Students" and "Boys" (the trial was held on the track, "Sagittarius" - Andrea Truddaiu plotter). 1900 meters above sea level departure / arrival altitude 1,600 meters (altitude 300 meters). Absolute ruler of this test was Edward Leonardi Cattolica, flag-athlete of the ski club Livata Students in category (winner of the tests and giant slalom). The hotel also boasts the title of Subiaco boys (female) with Valeria Morvillo. In the category of young male victory for Leonardo Motameni Campocatino. In the female students is set for the ski club Francesca Moscone Terminillo.In race 58 athletes representing 10 ski clubs (Sci Lioness Club, Ski Club Livata, Ski club Terminillo Campocatino, Monti Ernici, 0.40 Ski Club, Ski Club Naples, Naples SAI, Step 3 Ski, Ski club Cicala White). The sporting event of Abruzzo, which is valid for FISI-CLS, was organized by the Ski Club Orsello (director Andrea Ruggeri / BMS Rome). "In three days of racing, which ended in Campo Felice, we recorded a total of more of 400 athletes, "said Andrea Ruggeri, Director of the event runs. "There Growth was expressed in the technical level of competition by athletes from Lazio and this comforts us the opportunity to see over the next few years, some of them firmly in the national selections. Thank you for the support, the town of Rocca di Cambio, the Campo Felice SpA, the experts, the staff of the Ski Club Orsello sponsors (from Csquare, nda) and President Nicolas Tropea (FISI-CLS) for believing in this, that was not only sports, but also the economic impact on the region. "

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Fiuggi - Fiuggi water: damage to the municipality for 16 ml, seven reported

For non-payment of royalties for mining
Danno erariale di circa sedici milioni di euro causato al Comune di Fiuggi nell'ambito della gestione dell'acqua di Fiuggi. Lo ha accertato la guardia di finanza del comando provinciale di Frosinone e della tenenza di Fiuggi al termine di un'indagine delegata dalla Corte dei Conti. Sette persone sono state denunciate. Dalle indagini e' emerso un 'notevole' danno erariale alle casse del Comune di Fiuggi per mancati introiti del canone di sfruttamento minerario non pagato da Acqua & Terme Fiuggi.(ANSA).

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C’è preoccupazione tra gli allevatori di bestiame della Valle dell’Aniene, per l’azzeramento the funds provided for the category, after approval by the Senate, the so-called Milleproroghe decree which cancels precisely the distribution of grants to associations of farmers. According to Joseph Mancini, regional secretary of the UGL union farm workers and Forestry Lazio, the measure "penalizes workers and threatens the system of milk also produzionedel dell'Aniene Valley, where many farms are likely present if the downsizing of not the cessation of production. "The establishment of a technical review will therefore be requested by the Lazio Region" so - Mancini claimed - to undertake actions to safeguard farmers and their work. "

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Vallepietra Breeders - Japanese TV Vallepietra

The sanctuary of Trinity Vallepietra (Roma) wins the attention of the Japanese. A television crew from Japan and a 'fact arrived in the small town of Valle Aniene to run a service in the sanctuary on religious tourism linked to the Trinity and the kidney bean'',''the main product of agriculture sent locale.Gli Japanese television a few days remained in the small tourist center of the mountains Simbruini to achieve a broad documentary telling stories, interviewing residents and filming angles more 'suggestive of the country. To accompany the troupe was the deputy mayor who Graziosi Quiet and made available to the Japanese television during the days spent in Vallepietra. The city administration, realizing the positive effects that may arise for local tourism, he collaborated with the Japanese sent through the provision of material and information on the history of the country and the sanctuary of the Trinity, which every year receives about half a million pilgrims from all over Lazio, from other regions and from abroad. For us,''- says the deputy mayor Graziosi - this really is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the sanctuary and the beauty of our country in the East.''

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Theatre _: _ The Flying Circus Pinter - Interview and reviews of various Pisanotizie

's interview with Dario Focardi Pisanotizie

Pinter and search for truth: The Flying Circus Pinter

The study builds on "Art, Truth and Politics," Pinter's speech at the 2005 the Nobel Prize. Only a punto di partenza o tutto lo spettacolo è costruito intorno al discorso di Stoccolma?

Pinter lo pronunciò in videoconferenza poiché era già gravemente malato di quel male che lo portò alla morte nel 2008. Un discorso in cui chiama in causa l'impegno di ogni cittadino nella politica e l'attivismo delle coscienze. Pinter inizia parlando del suo teatro ed arriva ad affrontare temi come Guantanamo e la guerra in Irak. L'ultimo testo teatrale di Pinter, che è all'interno dello spettacolo, è del 2002. Da quel momento in poi smise di scrivere per impegnarsi attivamente, scendendo in piazza, partecipando in demonstrations. The work we did was to start the video conference, to which we have woven 8 other texts, written by Pinter from 1959 until 2002. They are all one act.

's speech in Stockholm is a text very hard ...

Usually the speeches that are spoken on the occasion of the withdrawal of the Nobel Prize are all very 'abstract', the authors talk about their literature, their works. Pinter deals with this. What emerges is that he always tried to tell a contemporary story in a political, though not absolutely deployed.

a speech in which the politicians come up with broken bones.

Absolutely. There's a part where he says that the life of a writer is very difficult, there are icy winds in which writers are exposed. To solve the problem of being alone, the writers should start telling lies, which would mean taking the first step in becoming politicians. Goes on to say that it is necessary to begin to really address the reality, to tell things as they are, because otherwise we risk losing what is central to all of us, or human dignity.

An attack on politicians, but also an attack on political language, which does not aim to seek truth, but the maintenance of power.

In the initial part of the intervention, Pinter offers an argument about what is true and what is false. From here to tell how he, playwright, has addressed the dichotomy between truth and reality, explaining that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between what is really true and what is actually false. The two things often overlap, depends on the type of language that you choose to use. You can choose to tell very things using false codes of truth, so that others seem to absolute truths.

Back to the show. This is the final outcome of a study on Pinter as early as December that he had a first performance. A journey come to an end, though, since the object of study, perhaps we may say that a search in this sense can never say definitively concluded ...

On this I agree fully. We have continued to try and experiment because every time you read the text pinter discover new meanings ever, ever deeper. As you work you're able to get more and more in the text, but do not ever get to a conclusion. Pinter's work is not based on a very high language, instead using the jokes are very dry, which allow you to work a lot on
subtext about what is behind what is being said. To try to understand it in depth you have to work a lot and as you say probably never get to find out altogether.

An author does not provide conclusive answers.

In interviews Pinter explained that what he does with his lyrics is
open a door . What a viewer sees in his works, which are one-act plays or longer, is what happens to a character caught in a x of his life and left to a point y . So, without a beginning and an end states. Opens a door as if to say: "Look what happens to these characters in this exact moment. What happens before or after I do not care tell."

Tell us something about how the show is built ...

It 4 of 8 one-acts and actions taken by Pinter's speech in Stockholm. Most of the texts have been cataloged by the author as
sketch - reviews, therefore c ome if they were pieces of magazine variety show, alternating with moments of strong drama, in the text produced for the delivery of the Nobel. The idea was to accompany the immensity of the word author, something that from a certain point of view it was more mild, but at the same time it is not really. These seemingly simple sketch, but in fact more complex. What we have tried di fare rispetto a ciò che Pinter diceva sulla verità, è stato prendere dei personaggi molto reali, ma che nella loro realtà risultano assurdi. 

L'assurdo che viene fuori da un indagine sulla quotidiana 'normalità', dal vuoto che il quotidiano si porta con sé...

Esatto, si tratta di personaggi schematici che esistono rispetto ai loro tic e ai loro cliché.
Sketch che si rivolgono allo spettatore dicendo "guarda, questo è quello che tu vivi sempre, come fai a non ribellarti? Ciò che ti faccio vedere è talmente assurdo e paradossale che non può do not take to find a solution, to be committed.

There is a strong emphasis on language, the use of the word ...

pinteriana The word is so important that we have decided to divide the English texts. We wanted to give depth and meaning to the word of the author, speak directly to the original texts. It is a language so dry and essential in his lines: It is extremely important to give a weight to each of the words he uses.

The central element of the show is the importance of the commitment of every citizen?

Non nell'accezione dell'
engagement sartriano . Il lavoro che noi abbiamo fatto è stato quello di inserire molti passaggi pop. Utilizziamo, ad esempio, le figure della lego come pupazzi che vivono la quotidianità senza porsi domande su ciò che succede, come stessero seguendo uno schema dall'inizio alla fine. Pinter mostra una realtà rispetto alla quale lo spettatore è portato a porsi delle domande, chiedendosi cosa c'è di vero e cosa c'è di falso. Si tratta, dunque, di una ricerca della verità. Pinter non è in nessun modo ideologico e non può essere inserito nella categoria dell'artista involved, since for most of his life it never was. And 'its production at the end says. Pinter working on there are too many words to explain. What I think is important is the essence of his search for truth, which is not lost behind too many speculations, but goes straight to the point. It shows the everyday life so meager, it is then up to you to decide what to do. Do not propose a solution cathartic, not trying to propose an ideological world to refer to. Pinter himself says in an interview: "I can bring the viewer to make a choice. Maybe.

Review by Maria Francesca Stancapiano out on events in Theatre Thursday, March 15, 2010

Cabaret and irony in the political circus of Pinter

one 'idea of \u200b\u200bPaul and Dario Focardi Pierazzini left from Pisa, to turn many theaters of Tuscany, a show that has marked a big question in the viewer. This is Pinter's The Flying Circus (photo) with Simone Faucci, and Paolo Dario Focardi Giommarelli, co-production between the Company and TeatroLux of Theatres of Resistance of Pisa.
A wheelchair brought us to the scene recalls Harold Pinter, now sick and at the end of his life, during delivery, in 2005, the Nobel Prize for literature. But, anyway, the great dramatist is still strong to support and communicate its discomfort of the century.
It is this unease that the "three specialists to Tarantino" with masterly ease we reproduce on stage in cabaret sketches and moments of pure ironia.Un 'irony that melts sul palco durante i dialoghi tra due personaggi che continuano a contraddire quello che avevano detto su se stessi, e che il pubblico, abituato per convenzione, prende per buono.
Ma è anche un' ironia che in modo brusco, violento, cede il posto ad una drammaticità ancora reale, contemporanea. Lo scrittore cede il posto al cittadino chiedendosi cosa sia vero, cosa sia falso in questo mondo. Nel momento in cui si sente la necessità di vomitare con rabbia la persistenza di guerre, di bombe, all' uranio impoverito. O più semplicemente di morti. L' unica certezza che si ha è che i politici non mirano alla verità, ma al potere. E per consegnare questo, è essenziale che la gente rimanga nell' ignoranza.

"The crimes the U.S. have been systematic, constant, vicious. We must recognize that 'America has managed to coldly manipulate power in the world under the guise of universal good. "
This and other pieces of the famous speech in Stockholm, are often shown during the piece as the glue of that circus of political theater that offers the public the debate on 'influence that the political system has on' individual: to have a conscience velero own or be handled? Among the texts cited "Art, truth and politics - Nobel Prize speech," "Trouble in the factory", "Girls," "This is your problem," "precise" and the poem "The Dead"

Review Marta Masha published Teatro.org
The Flying Pinter Circus - La lezione di Stoccolma
Cosa c'è di più assurdo della realtà contemporanea? L'uomo ha ancora dignità?

Questo si chiedeva Harold Pinter durante la conferenza per il conferimento del Nobel per la letteratura del 2005, che gli fu assegnato dall'Accademia di Svezia. I registi dello spettacolo: Focardi e Pierazzini, il quale è anche un operatore sociale, scelgono di utilizzare come base della rappresentazione il discorso che pronunciò allora Pinter, che è considerato il suo testamento artistico e politico, ed il video-intervento, che lo immortala, che viene mostrato più times during the performance. They do a tribute to this great man and artist, who died last year. The show is divided into ten shares stage, joined together by a tenuous connection of events, interspersed with scenes of circus figures in fitness facilities, from circus music and psychedelic lights. They are so many pieces of contemporary, full of cynicism and drama. Real data are presented in a dimension outside the real, and after a beat back the smile to the tragic sense, as often happens in the Theatre of the Absurd, which Pinter was a member. The plaintiffs are three: Simone Faucci, and Paolo Dario Focardi Giommarelli: all men, dressed in black suit. Become in the course of the show caricatures, with the movements and facial expressions especially accentuated. Often turn to the public, playing with him, as they move freely on stage, even climbing on the seats. They make several references to contemporary television programs today, and especially the political situation today. Certainly one of the most successful scenes in this study, which is not yet the final show, is a reference to Guantanamo, the rights of persons not respected, because of neglect by those who claim the leader of the free world. There are constant references to death and injustice. At the end are told that we are all reflections of a mirror, it is necessary to break, for man, and especially the artist must bring out the truth, to bring the world a perspective of life. The truth must be sought with the art, not politics, that hides so many lies, and just want to get to full power. Finally, the interesting juxtaposition with the circus, as this is an art which constantly threatens the life, for the realization of exhibitions, which attracted strong appeal to the risks and effort it requires. But in the end as in the circus can break the barriers and the man becomes strong and heroic, and that's what everyone should do following the lesson Pinter.
Viewed on 14/12/2009 at Pisa (PI) Theatre: CinemaTeatroLux
RATING: 3 out of 5

Review by Gianfranco Capitta release on February 7, 2010 Manifesto of the

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Theatre _ _ Pinter's The Flying Circus - Theatre Theatres of Resistance

There are no clear boundaries between real and unreal, nor between true and false.
One thing is not necessarily true or false, can simultaneously be either true or false.

H. Pinter

The Flying Circus Pinter is the final outcome of a study on Pinter and his word Theatres of Resistance began in September 2009.

3 specialists. 10 shares stage. 6 intervals. 4 oracular visions.

A circus of the indifference of the situations and solutions to calm and tampering.
Characters unchastely true as false, thrown into a cauldron, round round and shot again.
A melange of departures and returns, pressures and political passions, commitment and disengagement real fake, messy reality and abstract linear.
A Pinter with his words smashed through the air, quiet and paused only when the scene requires it. A prophet who calls, calls and challenges the city that lies in the beholder because finally come out and be a man with his social, connecting with others like him, living the unreal exploding jumble of false truths of this eccentric end / beginning of the millennium.

We want to be pop consciousness that move or prefer to remain impassive manipulated toys?

La scelta, questo vi chiediamo. Forse.

con  Simone Faucci, Dario Focardi, Paolo Giommarelli  un produzione  Teatri della Resistenza  with the collaboration of CinemaTeatroLux technical design Massimo Lupi

Theatres of Resistance
Viale dei Pini 38 56019 Vecchiano (PISA)
teatridellaresis tenza@gmail.com
mobile 3404940131
www.facebook.com > teatridellaresistenza

Maria Swan Daliy Motion

SUBIACO - Steps Lustrissimi, collected 300 signatures to move

Petition against changing the Steps Lustrissimi at Subiaco. The People's University sent to the Mayor and the Superintendent a request for amendment, with 300 signatures attached, the project approved by city council: "We restore the original - says Alexander Scafetta - via the front steps of the factories, whereas, that this step corresponds to the historic entrance to the "herd", which is the primordial Subaico of urban settlement, near the River Aniene. Work has stopped for about a month because the Superintendent has requested a report from a qualified technician the restoration of the bronze statues of the monument to the fallen. The work affects the entire square and include the replacement of the flooring and the elimination of parking spaces.

ANTONIO Scattone

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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SUBIACO - The Hospital will be saved with 40 beds. IDV: Well, but before the local elections

took place yesterday in a packed conference room in the Cultural Center of the City of Subiaco, the meeting organized by list Polverini, UDC and the PDL, which was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Transportation Francesco Lollobrigida, Vice President of Lazio Region Ciocchetti, and the director general of the Asl RMG, dr. Brizioli, the meeting tended to illustrate how the Lazio Region intends to solve the problem of drastic downsizing that will meet the Hospital Subiaco, in the light of dcreto 80 approved by the Lazio Region. In a few objections to the present, it was explained that the plan would provide 40 beds for the hospital instead of the feared 8th, maintaining a 24 hour emergency room and the expansion of specialist clinics, as well as 6 and 16 beds for intensive care for psychiatry.
But the IDV of Subiaco, through its coordinator Amati, warns: "okay that the Lazio Region retraced his steps by presenting this plan, which is a first step to save the hospital, but it would take more credibility if it were approved before the next municipal elections, thus clearing il campo da qualsiasi dubbio circa una manovra propagandistica che lo trasformerebbe in uno spot elettorale".

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SUBIACO - Peddler against the City, "please provide otherwise in the center will close"

A Subiaco in rivolta gli ambulanti del mercato settimanale del sabato, contestata l’ipotesi di uno spostamento dei banchi. «Il Comune - dice Luigi Guerriero - vuole spostare alcuni posteggi nell’area del capolinea Cotral e altri nel lato opposto del viale, giustificando la decisione con il presunto abbandono di cumuli di rifiuti nel giardino sottostante, cosa assolutamente non vera. Lo spostamento causerebbe un notevole danno economico agli operatori che già hanno visto calare gli affari di un buon 50%. Se il Comune vuole farci cambiare postazione riporti il Market street in the middle of town, not the suburbs as it is now. " In common opinion are clearly the opposite: "Return the market stalls in the center beam is unthinkable - the mayor contends, Angelucci Pierluigi - the space where the locations of stay is decided by the City street and given the large amount of waste it was decided to move desks. "

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Vallinfreda - Vodafone bring broadband in small towns: a fast internet Vallinfreda

Vodafone Broadband has arrived in the province of Rome. Under the cover of Vallinfreda, town of 314 inhabitants, says the project "1000 Common" to bring broadband to a country a day over the next three years, up to a total of 1000.Vodafone Italy, the first private operator to invest heavily to cover the areas of the country still without broadband, has accelerated its investment plan for more than € 1 billion to bring the fastest wireless network throughout Italy. Seventy municipalities have so far reached just over two months since its launch 1000Comuni, over 80,000 people throughout Italy that Italy finally have access to internet.In 12% of the population, approximately 7 million citizens, has not Internet access is still fast enough to qualify for the most modern electronic communications services. In particular, we can estimate that today there are about 1,800 Italian municipalities that have no broadband. "The joint project 1000 Vodafone Italy is an important step towards bridging the digital divide in our country - said the president of the province of Roma, Nicola Zingaretti -. As directors we are engaged in a great effort to provide the Internet connection open to all public places, even in small towns, and residents often ask us to set up at the big telecommunications companies because they also bring broadband to homes. See that even today this request such a hearing is an important signal that our country is not left behind, and because even the smaller towns are not left in the dark over new technologies. "" The spread of fast access to the Internet is a positive factor in small towns for many activities of both private and public authorities - said the mayor of Vallinfreda, Piero Chirletti -. In particular, the possibility of teleworking and distance learning have the potential to be competitive by the residence in small towns like Vallinfreda offering good standards of quality of life and reduced costs compared to the big city. Moreover, given the importance that the Internet is taking is as different from a news channel on television and newspapers as a method of communication with the Public Administrations, put this tool available to the residents of our community (especially young boys) is a way to ensure full right to information and cittadinaza active. The initiative for Vodafone 1000 Municipalities certainly goes in this direction. "" To bring the project Vallinfreda 1000Comuni, which represents our contibuto concrete and our commitment to bring broadband in small towns - said Maurizio Sedita, director of central region Vodafone Italy -. Thanks to offer wireless, quickly and efficiently, Internet access at a speed 'of at least 2 Mbps adequate to handle the main web application and performance comparable to fixed broadband, compatible with the more' modern and common devices communication both at home and in mobility. "To report the interests of their community to have broadband, you can leave a message toll free 800-713-937 or visit www.1000Comuni.vodafone.it, where so far came in 2100 reports.

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SUBIACO - Drug use, reported 16 young, 6 LICENCE WITHDRAWN

Sixteen people reported by the police during the company of Subiaco extraordinary control of the area carried out along the main arteries of the mountain district, but also in places dedicated to the smuggling of narcotic substances near. During the operation, five citizens of the area, including in an age range between 25 and 45, were found in possession of some doses of cocaine, hashish and marijuana. All five reported to the office territoriale del Governo. Per un altro giovane, invece, è scattato il deferimento alla procura della repubblica di Tivoli per detenzione ai fini spaccio di sostanza stupefacente, in quanto trovato a bordo della propria autovettura con 10 grammi di hashish. A sei automobilisti è stata ritirata la patente perché guidavano in evidente stato di alterazione per uso di sostanze alcoliche, tutti avevano un tasso di gran lunga superiore al consentito. Infine quattro persone, di cui due minorenni, sono stati denunciati perché trovati in possesso di coltelli proibiti.

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SUBIACO - Rose resigned as secretary of The Right

Alessandro La Rosa, in una nota pervenutaci, fa sapere di aver rassegnato le dimissioni da coordinatore di La Destra di Subiaco, a causa di contrasti con le linee politiche dei responsabili provinciali del partito.
Ecco di seguito, il comunicato che ha diffuso:  

Il sottoscritto, La Rosa Alessandro, desidera fare presente su questa pagina, di essersi dimesso formalmente dalla carica di Coordinatore Cittadino de la Destra di Subiaco.La decisione è stata presa a seguito di forti incomprensioni con i responsabili provinciali della nostra zona, su tematiche e questioni legate ad aspetti gestionali della politica locale."La mia politica, da sempre incentrata sul rifiuto di ogni tipo di compromesso, non ha riscontrato l'appoggio of these direct and unconditional provincial authorities, engaged in politics not to serve the citizens and the community, but what has emerged from recent events in view of the upcoming municipal elections, only in finding a position of power within the City of Subiaco, going well beyond to the slightest sense of dignity, training with people who had always fought with those people until I was there as a coordinator, had opposition, even going to shake hands with members of the left have contributed decisively to the current degradation is located in our beloved country with their incompetence and complacency. "In any action to be proposed Right from the room, me and the group who followed me, we are completely unrelated! We want to make this clear to all in order to avoid misunderstanding or manipulation. I thank all those who have supported me and followed up to now in an unselfish way, and will continue to do so in others engaged in social projects to which we are already working.

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MANDELA - Tourists photographing the landfill; growing protest

After the letter published yesterday to denounce the squalor of the landfill on the Tiburtina in the stretch of the town of Mandela, mount the protest of citizens, checontinuano segnalarequesto a disgrace. Here is another letter published today in The Messenger:

Riferendomi alla lettera del Sig. Arrigo Pagnotta, segnalo che anch'io ho notato più volte le discariche a cielo aperto sulla tiburtina valeria che percorro molto spesso per andare agli Altipiani di Arcinazzo via-Subiaco. Ho scritto al sindaco di Mandela (inviando anche eloquenti fotografie) il quale, tramite un collaboratore, mi ha assicurato che avrebbe fatto il possibile per ri mediare pur non avendo i soldi per farlo. Ciò accadeva un anno fa, ma da allora non è stato fatto nulla e la situazione è addirittura peggiorata. Ci sono turisti diretti a Subiaco che fotografano questo scempio (li ho incontra ti personalmente quando ho scattato le fotografie e mi sono, oltrechè vergognato per noi tutti, scusato con loro a nome di quanti gridano their anger) unworthy of a civilized country, instead of capturing the natural beauty and artistic th e area. I hope these allegations slow to take effect and that the institutions most responsible for doing their duty. I invite all who pass by to capture this, that it mildly, shame and send documantazione the different mayors of the municipalities in the area (Mandela, Vicovaro etc.). Who knows you can not do something.

Dr. Luca Laurenti

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Riofreddo - The strange death of the inspector becomes a book Donatoni

's still unknown to the author, and the reasons are obscure, murder Inspector of NOCS Samuel Donatoni, killed in Riofreddo in '97 in a blitz in the early stages of the seizure Soffiantini, although they were handed down two judgments, both definitive on the case. Two decisions, moreover, offer truth 'diametrically opposte.Un judicial paradox that is told by a judge, even by the court which, departing from the sentence which had condemned the seizure of banned entrepreneur Giuseppe Soffiantini for the killing of' Inspector of NOCs, supported the thesis of 'friendly fire' by completing the murder Giovanni Farina, one of the captors, tried a second time after the end of his hiding in Australia.Mario Almeida, a former magistrate of assault, now presiding judge of Civitavecchia, in 'The Mystery of State strange death of the inspector Donatoni '(publisher Aliberti - Preface by Furio Colombo), takes the reader, does not impose his truth', but making him ask questions, in the path that led him to overturn the results of a series of investigations and Reconstruction contained in a sentence. "I had approached this process - says Almeida - the spirit of remaking something already 'done and copy the sentence had already been' upheld by the Supreme Court." And instead, the discovery of acts of a sealed envelope containing photographs of fifty spots of blood near the area where the body was found Donatoni opened a shocking scenario. "Following those tracks - says the judge - it was clear that the inspector was shot elsewhere and his body dragged there. At that point there was not even a drop of blood. I was amazed - recalls Almeida -. The serious thing 'that no one had ever mentioned that I found those spots that were destroyed after the comparison with the blood of the bandits. "Hence the reopening of the investigation, an assessment office, summoning of witnesses and never heard confirms that intuition linked to photos of blood stains. "The Court's experts - reveals Almeida - agreed that the shot had left a gun in use in NOCs involved in the operation organized for the fake ransom payment (and not from the Kalashnikov one of the bandits, as he considered conviction of the perpetrators) and a short distance of 40-60 cm. The body had been positioned in the direction of the shots of the bandit. From the time of the shooting when he was found passed Donatoni 15 minutes, fatal, that the inspector could not be helped. But 'cause this whole ruse to not bring out the truth'?, Almeida asks: "carry one who is dying for 200 yards, give false testimony ... Why 'does not even admit the accident?" In the book, the magistrate criticism does not spare even the public prosecutor of the case Soffiantini who took the opinion of the police. "The consequence of an American prosecutor, which depends on the executive - will update the topic Almeida -, could be the proliferation of unjust sentences such as the condemnation of the bandits for the murder Donatoni. The prosecutor is not 'the lawyer for the police. What legitimate and its independence 'and that' a body which should help to establish the truth 'and not the condemnation of the alleged person indicated by the police. The prosecutor must have a culture of jurisdiction. "

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CARSOLI - The CNA Opens Office Territorial

The CNA Opens Office in the town of Carstairs area (L'Aquila), Via Tiburtina Valeria Km 68.200 on the phone 0863/997991. The inauguration of the new offices will be Saturday, March 12 at 16.00. The President shall CNA's provincial Avezzano (L'Aquila), Ruggero De Amicis, declaring: "The reality of business carseolano, by next week, will be eligible for a point of reference for representing the interests of companies and all services our association carry out in favor of the artisans, shopkeepers and medium-sized enterprises: credit, patronage, advice, training, environment, safety, quality. "" This investment of CNA - continued the President De Amicis - subpoenas, however, many entrepreneurs, was made absolutely so in that area could be a valuable partner in its associated degree of unionized companies and the services they need. "" Certainly - Said the president - we are so proud of the decision 'as we are aware that we expect a lot of work to do to best support all farmers in the area with initiatives and services that enable enterprises themselves who will be looking to us to get answers fast and specific to their needs. The work schedule does not scare us even, due to the effectiveness of the Association I have the honor to chair, I am sure we will be able to field our forces to better meet the needs of our members in this region. "

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Olevano ROMANO - Worker dies overwhelmed by the collapse of a wall

A new tragic industrial accident has killed a worker of 45 years, died yesterday while stava lavorando all'interno di un'abitazione a Olevano Romano.L'uomo è stato travolto dal crollo di una parete di cemento armato a causa del quale ha riportato un trauma cranico, un trauma toracico e diversi ematomi su tutto il corpo.. E' morto poco dopo essere stato trasportato prima al pronto soccorso di Palestrina, poi al Policlinico Umberto I di Roma.Il fratello, che stava lavorando con la vittima al momento del crollo ed è titolare della ditta di lavori edilizi, è stato denunciato per omicidio colposo.

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FIUGGI - Martufello opens the new season of shows at the Theatre Sources of Fiuggi

Sarà Martufello ad aprire la stagione degli spettacoli al Teatro delle Fonti di Fiuggi il prossimo 20 marzo. La star del Salone Margherita sarà infatti the star of the show 'Martufello Show' accompanied by the Ballet of Bagaglino that will begin the full calendar in 2011 at the Teatro delle Fonti Fiuggi.Con six months before the start of the season so early gives you the bill of events 2011 Sources at the venue in Fiuggi. Tributes to Mina, a liner and artists who attended as Fiuggi Massimo Ranieri and Gabriella Ferri: Appointments will be 40 artists who, starting in the spring, will enliven the evenings at the Theatre Fonti.Ma will not just pop music to get on stage. In concert with the Conservatory of Frosinone Licinio Refice there will, in fact, a number of concerts of classical music and opera, with the collaboration of great artists who will present operas, operettas and classical tradition of Neapolitan songs and then romana.Sarà opening in style on the occasion of the centenary of Fiuggi that portends an attractive and organized the calendar in order to be expressly worthy of receiving the usual guests of the spa center by calling at the same time, a large number of potential new regulars.

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SUBIACO - Hospital, clarifications of the PDL

will be held tomorrow at Subiaco in the cultural center a meeting entitled "Hospital Subiaco, hard facts." The meeting, which should shed light on the dark situation in which trova il destino dell'ospedale di Subiaco,  è stato organizzato dal PdL e dalla Lista Polverini, e vi parteciperanno il direttore generale della Asl RmG dott. Brizioli, l'Assessore della Regione Lazio Francesco Lollobrigida, coordinatore provinciale del PdL,  e Luciano Ciocchetti, Vice-Presidente e Assessore alle Politiche del Territorio e dell'Urbanistica della Regione Lazio. 
Sono stati invitati all'incontro i sindaci della Valle dell'Aniene.

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SUBIACO - Hospital: The Tar decide on the appeal in May

Il Tar rinvia al prossimo 11 maggio la decisione sull’ospedale di Subiaco. «Il rinvio - dice l’avvocato Fausto Buccellato, charged by the X Mountain Community to bring this action against the conversion of the hospital - will bring about the large memory additional reasons presented by the Region and also in relation to Decree 113. The hearing in May, therefore, could be decisive. " The appeal was filed for the annulment of the decree which provides for the conversion point to the hospital first responders with the cancellation of 80 seats letto.Questa evening, meanwhile, a joint meeting of committees of Bracciano Monterotondo Subiaco and to decide together any other action to fight the closure of their hospitals. The meeting will take place in the town sublacense alle 18, presso la sala consigliare del Comune.La Asl Rm G, intanto, ha presentato entro i termini previsti, il 28 febbraio, il nuovo piano operativo aziendale: «Per l’ospedale di Subiaco - dice il direttore generale, Nazareno Renzo Brizioli - abbiamo confermato i 33 posti letto ospedalieri con il pronto soccorso h24, la terapia intensiva, chirurgia, medicina, geriatria ed ortopedia. Ora spetterà alla Regione la decisione finale». «Occorre un nuovo decreto della Polverini - ribatte Alessandro Scafetta, del Comitato - altrimenti dal prossimo 1° ottobre si chiude».



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SUBIACO - Subiaco and The Next Right announce a conference on housing plan

dfel will take place in the conference room at the Cultural Center Avenue of the Republic, a conference which will be presented in the house plan approved by the Region of Lazio. Are provided for the appointment of the activities of provincial leaders of the Right, and Saccomano Teodori, manager of Next Subiaco Buonasorte Rocchi and the Regional Council, Chairman of the Planning Commission.

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ANIENE VALLEY - indignation at the landfill on the roads

SubyNews has always shown close to the problem of landfills that grips our land and we have often dealt with this issue. Many people feel this problem, and we report in full a letter from a citizen published in Il Messaggero:

Hello, I live in Anticoli Conrad and every morning I walk the 10 km of Tiburtina Valeria (SS5) that separate me from the A24 (Vicovaro - Mandela) to come to Rome to work . For a year now I indignant at the sight to which they are forced to watch on the road in both directions. It 's a year that I hope every morning that the destruction is removed, confident in the proper functioning of public bodies should operate that way.

Way, left all'incuria ignorant passers throwing everything in their path, passes through areas embedded in a scenic landscape worthy of note. Not If this stretch is part of the Regional Natural Park of Monti Simbruini (taken from a Vicovaro Jenne). Exactly one year from when the waste collection door to door in the villages of Valle dell'Aniene (collection that works well to be honest) we find, me and the entire civilian population of these places, the abandonment of the territory , outside the jurisdiction of individual municipalities by the Lazio Region and the Province of Rome (Institutions appointed to manage the former state road, downgraded to a regional road, passing by ANAS and finally to the Province to the Region).

The area, already heavily penalized by the closure of the hospital in Subiaco, it seems no man's land. Along my stretch of road can be documented more than three illegal dumps medium, for now, size (mattresses, televisions, toilets, truck and automobile tires, batteries, debris, piles of asbestos, bags of various types and sizes and even for a short period, the carcass of a dead horse removed after my report to 113), but also guardrail destroyed and never replaced, or almost non-existent road markings, road signs near dangerous curves uprooted from motorists darting (a fixed speed camera every now and then there it we?) and never replaced poorly marked lanes as well as dangerous, lack of lighting in areas where instead would be required and, finally, lack of sidewalks nei tratti a ridosso delle fermate degli autobus COTRAL utilizzati giornalmente da numerossissimi pendolari (gente che va tassata più di altra senza riceverne niente in cambio, soprattutto se viaggia in macchina in direzione del Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma).

Da ex abitante di Roma, fuggito da quel caos per trovare un po' di tranquillità dopo il lavoro e una vita più salutare in un contesto ambientale migliore per me e per i miei figli, mi sento di dover denunciare questa mancanza di riguardo da parte di questa Amministrazione Pubblica puntando il dito indistintamente su Regione e Provincia, così da rispettare la par condicio degli schieramenti politici ivi rappresentati. E' possibile che in un anno non ci sia stato un cittadino della Valle dell'Aniene che abbia denunciato prima di me questa situazione?

Sinceramente credo che più di una volta altri abbiano avuto la mia stessa idea e abbiano agito, così come credo che, tuttavia, essi non siano stati ascoltati e presi sul serio. Il degrado a cui è giunto questo Paese è veramente insopportabile. Non serve guardare molto lontano per vedere situazioni migliori, basta considerare ed analizzare più a fondo la gestione di alcune Regioni o Province autonome come ad esempio l'Alto Adige e le sue vie pulite e ben asfaltate, piste ciclabili lungo Strade Statali immerse nei frutteti e un turismo di provenienza italiana sempre più richiamato dal loro ordine. Dobbiamo forse considerare quest'ultimi degli eletti e il resto del Paese "monnezza"? Forse vogliamo fare della Regione Lazio e della Provincia di Roma una nuova emergenza rifiuti alla stregua della Campania?
Passate per cortesia lungo la Tiburtina Valeria, addentratevi anche nelle stradine contigue e rendetevi conto con i vostri occhi che questo territorio merita di più e potrebbe dare alla Regione e alla Provincia molto di più in termini turistici se solo venisse valorizzato sufficientemente. Ma per adesso mi accontento, insieme ai miei concittadini, di vedere la Tiburtina Valeria in condizioni più dignitose.

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SUBIACO - Tennis abandoned:

In abandon the multipurpose center of the Garden of the Bridge at Subiaco and at risk the next tennis season. For several months, the entrance gate of the ownership structure of the City is barred as well as related activities. The complex, located at the entrance of town, along the course Cesare Battisti, a bar and a refreshment bar on the premises of the old railway station, two clay tennis courts, the only of the town and surrounding towns, with bleachers and changing rooms and a soccer field. For some years the center has been outsourced, but a little 'time has stopped working, leaving me completely abandoned the sports facilities and so, with the arrival of summer, we run the risk of serious lovers of the racquet should give up a game of tennis.
"not enough ski slopes of Mona Bear closed for three years - states an athlete - now the court is likely to be out." In the past, the structure of the Garden Bridge was even three tennis courts and for thirteen years, until the 80's, rectangles Subiaco clay hosted the international women's tournament, which saw the participation of the best players of the moment. The previous city administration, despite the protests of athletes, has decided to remove a tennis court and a volleyball to create a multi-purpose parking for cars. The City now promises a revival of the entire area without setting any date, however: "The sports complex - says Mayor Angelucci Pierluigi - will be back very soon to provide services, with the new management we have already secured the payment of fees and we had the past availability and confirmation that the site will undergo a new phase of careful maintenance, adjustments to regulatory and renewed activity. "

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